This event will be held at the Academia Sinica Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics in Taipei, Taiwan. This meeting will focus on a number of scientific topics, including (but not limited to):

Physical and dynamical properties
Dwarf planets
Binaries and multiple systems
Relationships with other small body populations (Centaurs, Trojans, comets, inner Oort Cloud objects, interstellar objects)
Distant TNOs
Formation and evolutionary processes
Current and future surveys
Laboratory studies
Current and future space missions

Invited Speakers

Sota Arakawa
Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology, Japan
Pedro Bernardinelli
University of Washington, USA
Laura Buchanan
University of Victoria, Canada
Ana Carolina de Souza Feliciano
Florida Space Institute, University of Central Florida, USA
Christopher Glein
Southwest Research Institute, USA
Eva Lilly
Planetary Science Institute, USA
Belén Maté
Instituto de Estructura de la Materia, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Spain
Chrystian Luciano Pereira
Observatório Nacional/MCTI, Brazil
Anne Verbiscer
University of Virginia, USA

Scientific Organizing Committee

  • Matthew Lehner (ASIAA)
  • Edward Ashton (ASIAA)
  • Julio Camargo (Observatório Nacional)
  • Chan-Kao Chang (ASIAA)
  • Ying-Tung Chen (ASIAA)
  • Paula Granados-Contreras (ASIAA)
  • Marco Muñoz-Gutiérrez (U Atacama)
  • Rosemary Pike (CfA)
  • Noemi Pinilla-Alonso (Florida Space Institute, UCF)
  • Meg Schwamb (Queen's U Belfast)
  • Kelsi Singer (SwRI)
  • Shiang-Yu Wang (ASIAA)
  • Fumi Yoshida (UOEH/PERC-CIT)

Local Organizing Committee

  • Shiang-Yu Wang (ASIAA)
  • Matthew Lehner (ASIAA)
  • Chan-Kao Chang (ASIAA)
  • Ying-Tung Chen (ASIAA)
  • Edward Ashton (ASIAA)
  • Paula Granados-Contreras (ASIAA)
  • Cindy Chiu (ASIAA)
  • Shirley Huang (ASIAA)
  • Wei-Ling Yen (ASIAA)

Code of Conduct

  1. All attendees, including speakers, organizers, and supporting staff, should be kind to, and respectful of, all.
  2. TNO2024 is committed to equality of opportunity, to ensure the conference experience does not discriminate against any individual on the basis of their gender, gender identity, disability, ethnicity, religion or belief, sexual orientation, marital status, age, nationality or socioeconomic background, or other protected characteristics not related to scientific merit.
  3. A diversity of views and opinions shall be welcomed by open and constructive criticism of ideas, while personal attacks (verbal or otherwise) on individuals will not be accepted.
  4. Harassment, sexual or otherwise, is a form of misconduct that undermines the integrity of the meeting. Harassment, bullying or intimidation will not be tolerated, and anyone asked to stop unacceptable behavior is expected to comply immediately. Harassment includes but is not limited to:
    • inappropriate or intimidating behavior and language
    • unwelcome jokes or comments
    • unwanted touching or attention
    • offensive images
    • photography or video recording without permission
    • stalking
    • sustained disruption of talks or other events
    • violent threats or language directed against another person, including incitement to violence, suicide, or self-harm
  5. Neither food nor beverages are permitted in the auditorium.
  6. Smoking is not allowed anywhere on the National Taiwan University campus. There is an exit from the campus 20m northwest of the conference venue for those who desire to smoke. Please do not litter!
  7. Photography of posters or slides is not permitted if requested by presenters. Any information that is requested to be embargoed by presenters shall not be recorded, posted on social media, or otherwise disseminated outside of the conference. Presenters shall be responsible for requesting that nothing from their talks or posters shall be recorded or photographed and for informing the audience of any embargoes on information
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