Distant Resonators in the Large inclination Distant Object Survey: the First 10:1
Session 7.04 Dynamics
Wednesday 06-26 | 11:40 - 12:00
The Large inclination Distant Object (LiDO) Survey discovered and tracked 141 distant solar system objects, all with inclinations greater than 14 degrees. The survey reached a depth of mgri=25.1–25.6 using MegaCam on the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope, and was sensitive to objects at distances between 25 to ~150 au. LiDO discovered at least 47 resonant trans-Neptunian objects (TNOs), including 13 resonant TNOs with semi-major axes >50 au, in the 5:2 and other more distant resonances. Detailed resonant classification is ongoing, as many of these high-inclination objects show large and varying libration amplitudes and possible mixed inclination-eccentricity resonance behavior. One of the resonators identified in (LiDO) is the first known 10:1 resonator, one of the most distant resonators ever discovered, with mgri=24.7, a semi-major axis of 139.8 au, an eccentricity of 0.73, and an inclination of 33.3 degrees. We have extended the orbital arc with additional astrometry measurements beyond the original LiDO survey design in order to refine the orbit and understand the long-term evolution and stability of this distant resonator. We integrated 200 clones based on the orbital uncertainty of the 10:1 resonator, and found that while some are stable for 30 Myr, stability on Gyr timescales is very uncommon. This object is likely experiencing scattering sticking in the 10:1, and represents a member of that transient population which can spend long periods of time in distant n:1 and n:2 mean motion resonances. We discuss the implications of the discovery of a 10:1 TNO on our understanding of the population in the 10:1 and other distant mean motion resonances of Neptune.
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